Visit Us in the Education Building!
Visit Bemidji is returning to the Great Minnesota Get Together! Find us in the Education Building and take a look at what Bemidji has to offer.
Enter to win 2 tickets to Bemidji State Men’s Hockey Game vs Mankato, 2 tickets to Bemidji State Men’s Hockey Game vs St. Thomas, Paul & Babe Plush toys, and 2 tickets to Charlie Beren’s Good Old Fashion Tour.
Fairgoers will also have the opportunity to transport themselves to Bemidji right from the fairgrounds with our amazing green screen booth photo booth! Get digitally transported to northern Minnesota while you are enjoying all things State Fair!

Digitally Transport Yourself to Bemidji!
Ever wanted to travel to Bemidji?
Well here is your chance to get a view of what Bemidji is like! Stand in front of our green screen and strike a pose. We will digitally transport you to Bemidji and send the photo of gif right to your phone!
Take a look at some of our great tourists transporting to the home of Paul and Babe!
Tons of Giveaways
We have many giveaways for you to remember your State Fair experience when you Visit Bemidji! Everything from Babe the Blue Ox hats, Buffalo Plaid reusable tote bags, Paul & Babe plush toys, and a beach ball for the kids. We have something for everyone to experience Bemidji at the great Minnesota get-together.

Enter To Win
2 tickets to Bemidji State Men’s Hockey Game vs Mankato, 2 tickets to Bemidji State Men’s Hockey Game vs St. Thomas, Paul & Babe Plush toys, and 2 tickets to Charlie Beren’s Good Old Fashion Tour.

Show Some #BemidjiLove
Give us a follow to find inspiration for your next visit and share your own adventures!